Wendy Allan - Coo

Wendy Allan

E: Wendy D: 604 988 7167

Wendy has worked in the legal industry for over 25 years having started her career as a legal secretary. Over the course of her career and through her progression at the firm, Wendy has been involved in all aspects of the business, both the practice side and the business/strategic side. She has been with DL&Co. since its inception in June of 2005 and during that time she has risen from paralegal to Chief Operating Officer. As COO, Wendy is responsible for overseeing the business operations and administrative functions of DL&Co. Her past work experience in both support and leadership roles help bring a unique perspective to the COO role.

Wendy has a passion for law and administration and is thrilled to be in a role that combines the two. The opportunity to work for a firm that supports internal growth and advancement and continuous learning has been the reason Wendy has worked at DL&Co for as long as she has. Even after all these years, she is still excited to work every day with a team that is committed to living their values and practicing law differently.

Outside of work, Wendy loves nothing more than cheering from the sidelines at her children’s sports activities, trying to keep up with her very active dog, Luna, and spending time with family and friends at their cabin in beautiful Tulameen, BC.